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TELEPATHY: Super Intelligence Waves

Here are hypothesis views that there are habits that promote Telepathy, and Teleportation's is important since it can help us hear the good ideas from spirits who want to help us evolve towards a gentler kinder version and bring a better world of Peace: It all sums up: How peaceful, righteous are you? All along the Watchtower may harm your goals

1. Ultra peaceful music (avoid music that is upbeat and only listen to peaceful one to counteract the extreme violence in world music, movies, literature, speech, society, tv, radio) in one's surroundings to neutralize the ultra-violent general thought patterns of present day humanity which naturally contaminate us as we live in this world. If you are already peaceful, no music is needed, but what i mean is if you ever listen to music, choose peaceful meditative ones, if you want to develop ESP faster and become more compassionate and empathic. See below

2.  Ultra gentle speech (this is VERY hard to do, as we are not used to it)  a shape shifting Light being just like we see spirits in astral. This one is extremely difficult to practice for people who lose their cool at times, since the moment we raise our voice we completely lose the capacity to be a good telepath for a while - since anger doesn't radiate compassion and kindness and naturally, no strong spiritual ability emerges if we are not kind to all beings - since spiritual ability is based on tuning into the unified field thru being nice to all. :) We see the violent tone of voice in movies and hear it from peers or parents and this brainwashes us to imitate it in our vain attempt to communicate our frustration.

3.  Tranquility - remember to calm down when the environment is causing the old "reactive and non-gentle" patterns to return - and if needed, you can wear earphones with peaceful music while going shopping, etc - as it will help a faster de-brainwashing of subconscious mind from aggressiveness.

4.  Avoid alcohol, smoking, meat (at least avoid eating a lot of meat or just eat fish, since fish is healthier anyway), drugs and be kind-gentle-nurturing-helpful to all beings:), respect their space, beliefs, understanding and free will - just like a mom does with her half year old infant. :)
Also, avoid any dairy coming from factory farms, as the pain in the animals is energetically transmitted into the milk-cheese-eggs and distorts psychic perceptions and hinders them. Only loving kindness for all beings perceives clearly, so when we become the pain we no longer see things clearly. :) Ideally, a vegan diet is best, :), as long as you get omega 3 fatty acids and DHA-EPA and vitamin B12. :) Remember the sic animal has bad vibes no antibiotic in your gut will cause illness for your spirit.
 The one thing many have noticed is that 100% raw vegan diet always leads to higher ESP, if it is organic. This maybe nice to know when you need it for extra ESP. Organic produce has 5 times more biophotons than conventional produce (for details see ), so eating 50% raw and organic leads to getting 2.5 more biophotons than 100% raw conventional produce diet.

5. Whisper now and then when talking - as it creates an even gentler connection with the astral body and an astral brain-physical brain resonance and circuit with the heart-throat chakras - if accompanied by loving kindness.  

6.  Energy exercises of exteriorization and absorption as those taught by and, other places - like moving energy from third eye to crown chakra in a loop.

7.  Being a very good listener (this one is ultra hard to practice, the hardest of all) - speaking when asked only.  This 7th one is something only the most advanced beings can do, as it requires a mind blowing self-control:)
Shared publicly - Yesterday 4:40 PM

Meditation has many benefits: it helps us develop telepathy, it lowers the heart rate (the lower the rate, the longer you live), lowers blood pressure, brings us closer to world peace, reduces stress, improves relationships and school grades, boosts immunity and makes you happier:) Any deep trance relaxation is actually a form of meditation and provides the same benefits as Huffington Post explains  is a "TED" talk by a Harvard neuroscientist explaining how meditation leads to brain changes in areas that relate to compassion, empathy, memory and coping with stress. Meditation has some anti-aging effects too for the cortex. Her paper is at .

Studies show that meditation can reduce the amount of violence in a given area that the meditators focus on, for example ► . People who meditate-concentrate on an outcome, such as raising pH of water, can help the outcome to come true, can influence water pH from 5000 miles away . (this video has Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Materials Science William A. Tiller explaining how remote meditators can alter pH of water from 5000 miles away). An easy to understand 5 min Tiller video on meditation intent affecting enzymes, etc is .
 Another video with even more 5000 miles pH effect details is at .

School performance goes up and suspensions decrease by 4 times in some cases ► . The same school is covered in this article too, showing a possible solution to areas of the world infested by gun violence .

There are millions of ways to meditate, while standing, walking, relaxing on your bed, etc. One doesn't need to sit to meditate; one can meditate by just relaxing in bed and doing the classical toes to head "my legs are heavy, limp, relaxed" progressive relaxation..., with earplugs if needed, after a shower, for just 20-60 minutes a day, with the intent to connect with the compassionate happiness-bliss in the universes.
   This deep relaxation meditation helps you to enter a trance state where achieving soul travel becomes possible (see  for 17 books on soul travel). If you achieve a state of complete relaxation, sometimes the astral take-off happens naturally if you just intend to roll out. We never really ever leave the body fully, only a copy of us does. By soul travel you can talk to other scientists or inspired beings and come back with inventions/ideas that help eliminate starvation, war or help better the world in some way: clean water, green energy, etc. :)

Finally, sometimes in deep trance relaxation/meditation, or, other people  try to verify details (like University of Virginia did in thousands of cases, see: ) that show soul is Immortal. It has been found that sometimes health issues are not caused by anything than the energetic trauma of a past life violent death, which when witnessed, leads to total instant remission of the "anomalous medical condition nothing could cure".
 *Several cases of instant healing are covered in the videos at the link above - indicating that the astral mind has an impact on the health in this lifetime thru the energetic imprint of a strong memory. It works the same way in which the astral body influences body shape, i.e. death injuries of last life cause birthmarks in new body of exact same location and size if trauma was severe. Past life recall can sometimes lead to a major breakthrough in a relationship too, as one understands where the animosity comes from or where the fear of a person comes from (some soul did something and that thing is projected on all people (may come in then go, etc).
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Shared publicly - Jan 28, 2016
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom" Thomas Jefferson - Honesty not only builds trust, and thus leads to World Peace, but also increases Telepathy-ESP accuracy a lot, allowing us to know the Truth about things and people easier, since we only speak the Truth - just like a karmic effect.

Honesty is the absolute requirement for a world of peace to emerge, since with lies, there is no trust, and with no trust, no peace ever exists. Paranoia is high when people lie and war is a natural outcome of lies. Honesty doesn't mean we tell everything we know to anyone who asks (since they may not be the sage able to properly use that info), it just means our words can be trusted, when we choose to speak. By being kind and helpful, honest and peaceful, others will naturally trust us and world peace will be possible. Without trust, war and hellish war zones are here to stay on Earth. Also, with honesty, you don't have to recall what you said, since there is no need of 2 million lies to cover up 200 previous lies. You may get fewer friends, but you are at peace. :)
"Trust but verify" - Ronald Reagan, seems like a good advice today, when so many people lie about so many things - including their beliefs about afterlife or their experiences with soul travel, spirits, etc

Have you ever noticed how a lot of "astral travelers" never allow themselves to be tested in a public setting where there is no possibility of fraud? The clever excuse is that "i cannot do it at will, or it only rarely it happens i can go to the real time zone at will or etc". Should you believe someone just because they claim to have been "abducted by aliens" or "gone to heaven or this or that", yet charges a lot of money for his workshops or books, offering no proof in any peer reviewed journal or in collaboration with any serious University of their astral travel capability?

I don't think so, especially when men lie 6 times a day and women 3 times a day ► .

Not to mention, thru history, people have used myths, made up movements to get rich or accomplish various goals. :) A lot of people claiming to believe in afterlife do not believe at all in after life. They do believe though in making tons of money and fooling others.
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Shared publicly - Jan 25, 2016
Great video by Dr. Jamie Turndorf about her telepathic conversations with her deceased husband who started talking to her right after his death.

"If I had my life to live over again, I should devote myself to psychical research rather than to psychoanalysis," wrote Sigmund Freud

Einstein wrote a preface to the book about Telepathy and praised the book. ►

Telepathy is an ESP ability which can be said to include all the others ultimately as applied subcategories, as with it we learn eternally and we discover everything about Teleportation, astral travel, living without eating, de/materializing objects and force fields, Translating into other dimensions, passing thru walls physically. We can say that Telepathy includes astral travel, since the astral body is a consciousness construct with which the causal body explores astral dimensions or physical universes, which are themselves consciousness constructs :). Telepathy includes all forms of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc - transferring information from one consciousness to another. It's something present to some degree in all people and animals, even some dogs know when owner starts driving home. This is a list of some of the basic forms of telepathy:

1. Telepathy between us and nearby physical people we talk to.
2. Telepathy between people 1 mile or 10000 miles or 1 trillion light years away.
3. Telepathy in form based spirit worlds.
4. Telepathy from physical to spirit and spirit to physical.
5. Telepathy in formless spirit worlds beyond time-space as we know them.
6. Telepathy from one physical location subatomic coordinates to another physical location subatomic coordinates - for easing the teleportation of matter, the dematerialization of matter and force fields, the materialization of matter and force fields, passing thru walls (anyone who has this mastered can escape from a location).
7. Telepathy from one physical location subatomic coordinates to another inter-dimensional location subatomic coordinates - for easing the inter-dimensional translation of matter-energy without re-appearing at another location for a long time or never - dissolving matter irreversibly into astral energy - just like the stories of Jesus, Elijah, Vallalar, some Tibetan Buddhists and a lot more others. 
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After death communication with Dr. Jamie Turndorf
Shared publicly - Jan 25, 2016
Albert Einstein words on TELEPATHY in his Preface to the book Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair ► free download ►

"The results of the telepathic experiments carefully and plainly set forth in this book stand surely far beyond those which a nature investigator holds to be thinkable."

Albert Einstein was also amazed by some psychics, such as .

Albert Einstein Endorsed a Popular Psychic, Gene Davis, in 1932. Einstein said: “She told me things no one possibly could know, things on which I have been working, and she demonstrated to me that she has a power to do things I cannot at this time explain. Now, I must tell some of my associates about this. It was miraculous indeed.”

"If I had my life to live over again, I should devote myself to psychical research rather than to psychoanalysis," wrote Sigmund Freud.
Shared publicly - Jan 24, 2016
Center for Education and Research in Consciousness (CERC) supports the development of undergraduate and graduate programs in Consciousness at the University of Washington Bothell. CERC’s mission is to educate a new generation of scholars and scientists who are prepared to bring an expanded level and understanding of consciousness to solve the complex challenges confronting humankind at this critical time.

There are not consciousness minors at other universities anywhere that I am aware of, so these guys are worth supporting I guess. Imagine if MIT would have a World Peace or Telepathy Major or Minor. :) Arizona University and Virginia University Medical School have some Consciousness Programs too:   * Hypothesis about Veganism aiding Telepathy accuracy

Telepathy is liked to Empathy and some view empathy as a subset of telepathy, we just read feelings instead of thoughts. Empathy for animals enhances telepathy is not such a hard to understand concept. Animals and humans share much of the same biochemistry, with lots of hormones being similar, etc. When an animal is tortured during its life and especially during slaughter, the chemicals it secretes go into the meat and are ingested by humans. When animals suffer for seconds/minutes during the sudden slaughter death, they release stress-fear hormones that age and sicken us
► Fear hormones as well as astral vibrations that contaminate their flesh also prompt us into human-human conflict more often; we and animals share a lot of hormonal pathways, as neuroscience shows. Cooking the meat doesn't remove the etheric geometry of the etheric matter remnants after the energetic body-astral bodies leave - so the geometry of hate vibrations/strings/force fields, the geometry of fear-paranoia-distrust-warfare vibrations/strings/force fields - is enhanced in the meat consumer. Therefore, many have said that until we stop killing animals to eat we won't have world peace. There may be some truth to that.
We see how animals and humans can exchange telepathy, when there is a loving bond - and exactly as a clear glass of water turns purple when we drop some purple dye the etheric body of the human being becomes less effective at telepathy, more murky, when people eat meat, clarity is lost to some degree. (or water with basic pH turns purple when a phenolphthalein pH indicator drop is put in - this was a cool experiment we did at the age of 13 in school that i and many people liked, probably the first really cute chemistry experiment).

Most meat today comes from abused animals, at least suffering during slaughter. We hear some people talk about haunted locations, where you can pick up that there was a murder there and it feels terrible - well - we can also say that the body of a slaughtered animal is a haunted location and those eating that meat are haunted by the trauma the animal suffered, even if on a very subtle imperceptible level. And we know we cannot ever do very good telepathy or remote viewing when we are not in the most serene, balanced, happy, rested state. That's why Graham Nicholls ( and thousands of others who wrote books on astral travel or spiritual topics say avoiding meat is better. Vallalar (, whi did thousands of miracles, and others didn't even allow meat eaters in his "temple". "Saint Frances of Rome" was vegan by choice since the age of 6 and saw-heard spirits since a kid.

However, it seems that if a soul was very telepathic back in former lives, eating meat this life won't have much of an effect at totally blocking telepathy (they still will have it to some extent), but going vegetarian or even better, vegan, would probably help her skills quite a bit, as reported by many astral travelers (Erin Pavlina ►  and many others) who were shocked at what a difference veganism made.
Since telepathy is all related to accessing the zero point energy field so to speak, it depends on how much we are in resonance with the vibrations of universal loving kindness for all. Some will say "but don't plants have souls too and don't they suffer when we rip them apart or take fruits from the trees?". I think the reason the 'Essenes' said to only eat seeds and fruits, never plants obtained by killing a plant, was because they noticed plants have feelings as explained in the book "the Secret Life of plants" ( . So, I think there is no suffering when we take fruits or seeds in a nice manner from the trees, cereals, legumes - maybe they get a little annoyed if we don't give any thanks to the plants,:) Now, if we eat carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale, etc we kill the plant. But if we look at biochemistry alone, the plants don't share a lot of organs or hormones with humans - almost nothing compared to livestock. A plant dies instantly while it is plucked. The degree of pain-plant killing pain affecting the geometry of the etheric matter of the human ingesting the plant is arguably negligible compared to the pain accumulated in an animal who dies slowly, lives longer and has killed and accumulated the pain of millions of plants killed by the cow eating grass or whatever feed. It's all about nuances here.
We don't have the capability technologically to image (like MRI) the etheric molecules that signal pain and cause geometric changes in force fields in the other dimension (a little like cymatics science, the sound of pain causes a shape, the sound of joy-gratitude-love causes a shape), but we can use our intellect to infer that the pain in a cow, at least due to thousands or millions of killed plants, and much longer dying period, is thousands or millions of times higher than the pain in a bunch of spinach and as such, telepathy dampening effects are different. It's noteworthy that some of greatest mystics in different religions were vegan or vegetarian and said things like "avoid meat to be closer to God" or whatever. It's interesting to think about this fact: Today science is able to verify some things people believed centuries ago, but now we got the science to explain why it is so. In the same way, 100-500 years from now, we may have the science to explain this vegan - telepathy thing in a more concrete and inter-dimensional physics chemistry based way. Just because it sounds crazy or bullshit, doesn't mean it is.
For many reasons i didn't eat meat for 19 years, see ► 
Read more (78 lines) Shared publicly - Jan 22, 2016

Teleportation can be viewed as an application or manifestation of Telepathy, being that all energy-matter is pure conscious nesses. Telepathy from one physical location subatomic coordinates to another physical location subatomic coordinates can be used for the teleportation of matter, the dematerialization of matter and force fields, the materialization of matter and force fields, passing thru walls (anyone who has this mastered can escape from a location).

On a dusty shelf in a quiet corner of Oxford’s Bodleian Library lies a long-forgotten single sheet pamphlet telling the incredible tale of how a young man in North Cornwall during the late 17th century was mysteriously teleported 30 miles from his home by an unknown force.

Reading it though a 21st century lens, the story sounds remarkably like an early account of alien abduction although of course such phenomena had not then been identified and the language simply did not exist to describe the experience he under went.

The reader is left yearning for more information about this astonishing event or the opportunity to question the victim for greater detail, but we are left with a short factual account of a very extraordinary event which took place in a lonely spot near Bodmin Moor over 300 years ago, about which we must draw our own conclusions.

Jacob Mutton was a young servant employed by William Hicks, the Rector of Cardinham in Cornwall. He was held in high regard as an honest and hard working young man. On Sunday 8th May 1687 at around 8pm Jacob retired upstairs to bed in the Rectory at a place on Bodmin Moor called Park. Already in bed was another young lad with whom he shared the room. As Jacob began to undress he heard a strange noise which he described as a ‘hollow voice’ saying “So Hoe, So Hoe, So Hoe”. Listening intently he realized the voice was coming from the adjacent room. He went into the room next door to investigate the strange sounds. He again heard the same voice coming from the direction of the window and so walked across the room and looked outside but could see nothing. The last thing he remembers is holding onto a metal bar in front of the window and then... he disappears!

Early the next morning a cross bar is found on the ground 17 feet below the window but there is no sign of Jacob. Simultaneously Jacob is found lying unconscious in a narrow country lane by a group of travelers on their way to a country market. As he regains consciousness, they find him mystified and confused and in completely unfamiliar surroundings. He is still clutching the iron bar as he staggers to his feet and asks where on earth he is. Jacob is in utter disbelief when the travelers tell him is 4 miles outside Stratton near the Cornish town of Bude. This was 30 miles from his home as the crow flies, and a place Jacob had never been in his life.

They take the dazed and bewildered Jacob into their care and he goes with them to Stratton Fair where after regaining his composure, they set him on the road to Camelford about 20 miles from where he was found. After spending Monday night in Camelford, he continued to walk back towards home arriving back at the Rectory in Cardinham on Tuesday morning.

Jacob was unharmed but his demeanors had changed. From a brisk and cheerful young fellow, he was subdued and melancholic. Although he had only a vague recollection of his disappearance. He told them that ‘a tall man’ had taken him over ‘hedges and brakes, without weariness or hurt’ he could not remember who held the iron bar or how it came to be in his hand or what became of his strange companion.
Shared publicly - Jan 22, 2016

Case of Telepathic Reading of Remote Crime information... :) - Psychic Medium Gale St. John helped police find the killer of Stacey Hendrickson by using remote telepathy, reading the energy information of an event surrounding a missing person, much like reading the akashic records or past of a missing person, or getting this info perhaps telepathically from a spirit guide or traveling out of body back in time.

Stacey went missing and Detective Allen Reed was told by Gale that Stacey was killed by the guy
(John Barry Adams) who goes out with her roommate. She gave exact details of the murder and the skeptical policeman was amazed at how accurate she was.

For more info on her work and book on using ESP to find missing persons and solve murders, see .  is the amazon link.
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I have researched spirituality for over twenty years after an out of body experience where I was stood up watching myself which confirmed my belief that we are spirits having a human experience and we are eternal
+Robert Boland 
Shared publicly - Jan 21, 2016
Brief clip about time travel. TIME TRAVELING TELEPATHY includes going out of body and seeing future timelines that may occur - it's still a mental pre-cognitive TELE exchange of information via a vehicle of the soul mind, the astral body. Graham was able to time travel astrally and see an event 5 days before it happened. For more on Graham's astral travels see this 1 hour interview ► .

Even if a person does not believe this particular event is real, for whatever reason, or if a person thinks some other experiences of others are not real (but made up), just accepting that OBE and time travel are possible with other people may help. :) Maybe the person sees something, a future timeline, and then it comes true, and the person realizes that the time (as we think of it usually) is more complex. :)

His website is  and he advocates going vegetarian or vegan with a lot of raw fruits and veggies to facilitate more astral travel.

Seeing a bad probable future can help us avoid it. For more videos on OBE,see 
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Extraordinary Out-of-Body Experience - With Author Graham Nicholls
Shared publicly - Jan 19, 2016
Excellent interview with Dr. Peter Fenwick about the telepathic encounters living people have with spirits of people about to die in a few weeks, days or just within seconds-minutes of dying. These events make it clear that the spirit knows the body it lives in will die quite a few weeks in advance.

Telepathy between physical people and other physical people is equally fascinating:

See 2 telepathic kids here ►

Nandana telepathic skills are detailed at ►

Telepathic boy who can also read in 7 languages ►

Human animal telepathy is also real ►

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Dr Peter Fenwick - 'Consciousness and Dying' - Interview by Iain McNay
Shared publicly - Jan 18, 2016

Video in Russian with a former atheist, Albert Ignatenko, born in 1943, who has a lot of paranormal events in his resume and who had an encounter with Jesus around 50 in Israel. Just like with the Russian video I shared before of the famous Jewish psychic Wolf Messing, you may be able to understand a little bit, telepathically, even if you don't know any Russian. He says he helped the Slovak President (he shows a picture of him and the President) and other important people who later became richer or more successful. He says he was able to hypnotize peers since he was 12, but never really believed in God and afterlife for real until he saw an apparition of Jesus at 50. Here is the English 7 min video ► .

He reminds me of Wolf Messing, who fled Germany to Russia, a very good telepath, probably better than Albert ► .

In 1989, using his mind, Albert reportedly (they say some Kiev scientists were witnesses) accelerated the decomposition of Uranium 3 times from a distance of 3.5 km from the object. Other Chi guys have changed the structure of matter, and published papers about it ( ) just like those 100ft tall pyramids in Russia are doing after a few days or weeks of objects being placed there.

Some mind over health/weather experiments were done in the 1960s even, using the mind to heal sick people and create clouds or avoid rain in a certain area, even if all around that area it was raining. He reportedly managed to concentrate and disperse clouds in 1987 and 1989, and even in 2015. He was able to do it from 2000 miles away one time. Using similar ideas, one can prevent accidents or possible impending death or catastrophe, via pre-cognition and time travel to future bad timelines, and take action to prevent the bad outcome, such as an incoming car or bullet or tornado coming at you.

He explains that the aura has 99% of the genetic information, while the body 1%. He talks about the levels of the aura, soul and spirit. Everyone uses these terms differently, but he says the soul is concentrated in the head, just like  says.   is Part 2 of this interview where he explains there is no need to kill people, but by using telepathy and sending "i love you" type of energy, the guy who holds hostage a bunch of people will throw his weapons and allow himself to be peacefully taken into custody. He says this is the future of police work. Love neutralizes hate. It would be nice if people would just have contests about who can pacify the others more and make the enemy move loving instead of bombing each other. I guess we are not there yet. :)

He also explains that each time someone tries to harm others, the negative karma accumulates and comes back to that very soul in a future life or this one, by the laws of inter-dimensional physics and how the spirit layers store energetic vibrations. Thus, a country that wants to prosper needs to be using the most loving methods possible always... etc, since karma applies to countries too, not just individuals, at least because many people are reborn in the same country next life. ♥

Many people think this is nonsense, but there is a lot of science about Qi stopping cancer:

It's interesting to think about it, even if you don't believe it that much. After all, since there is no science paper published with his claims, it's hard to know for most people what's true. :) Anyone can claim wild stuff and make a video about it, to be able to sell more books, etc. :) 
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Albert Ignatenko la Ora de veghe (1)
Jan 21, 2016
Shared publicly - Jan 18, 2016
Albert Ignatenko, born 1943, yet looking younger, is able to use telepathy induction in others to cause gentle movements, as if chi pushes people and to decrease/increase the heart rate of others from a distance.

See 2 telepathic kids here ►

Nandana telepathic skills are detailed at ►

Telepathic boy who can also read in 7 languages ►

human-animal telepathy ►
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Professor Albert Ignatenko demonstrates telepathy and telekinesis
Shared publicly - Jan 17, 2016
4 min clip about a kid with good telepathy skills

See other telepathic kids here ►

Nandana telepathic skills are detailed at ►

Telepathic boy who can also read in 7 languages ►

human-animal telepathy ►
Amazing case of telepathy between the living and the dead - millions of similar cases exist :)
The interesting thing about this was when the spirit of the son Eric hugged his still living dad, the dad felt very loved, very happy, a little like in the NDE experiences when people meet some very loving being of Light radiating a lot of love, peace, etc.

Sometimes, in our daily life, right after a certain event, within seconds of it, the spirit around us will give us a telepathic idea to relax, close our eyes, maybe even relax in the bed if we happen to be at home, so that we can feel a little more and focus inward. And after that, the spirits can flood us with a lot of the same "feelings of being loved and of happiness" as the dad describes in the video - for even 1 hour in a row - as a signal that what has just happened - what you have just thought about - what you have just experienced - is not a random coincidence, but rather - something important. lol :) ♥

We tend to dismiss things sometimes as random and at other times we think "everything is a sign", but correlation is not causation. So, it's kind of tricky, but anyway, Love alone is real, lol. :) ♥

Ultimately, Love alone is real, all else is illusion, lol. :)
 Love allows us to smile and laugh. Love is all around us, lol, 24-7, we just forget. ♥ Awareness of Love's Presence opens the third eye to the Eternal Tranquility that is there aiding us to soften and heal, nurture and transform all human beings on Earth into Lovers of World Peace, wishing that we all love each other and get along, giving up the eternal war that has been going on for eons. :)

Love magnified within us makes it all the more likely that peace will be ratified a country far away and we will end wars. :) So, while it may seem nonsensical, telepathy, meditation and awareness of the higher dimensions of love, super-imposed on time-space realms, can help us to bring a much nicer world with no war, no violence, no disease, no natural disasters deaths, etc. :)

More on the link between universal kindness, compassion and Love and Telepathy can be read at


Many people are telepathic, see this telepathic girl 
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Premonition and Apparition Surrounding a Son's Death - Beyond Chance
Shared publicly - Jan 12, 2016

Astral Traveling Telepathy - Imaginative Escape Astral Travel Method and Some Free Books on Astral Travel
Astral Travel is a form of telepathy since the astral body is a consciousness construct with which the causal body explores astral dimensions or physical universes, which are themselves consciousness constructs.

To achieve the best relaxation, do whatever de-stresses you the most first before relaxing on your bed or couch. Each person is different. For some it may be taking a walk in nature, taking a shower, listening 5 minutes to some peaceful clip, etc.

One of the methods of astral travel is to imagine stairs going up to "heaven" on which you climb for a long time or a short time (it depends on you, perhaps what target you want to have - some street nearby, or some city on another continent), until say you are above your house, town or continent - repeat this over and over until the astral body generates a copy of itself so to speak. Once you are above house or town, you can fly in space or to the earth or off-planet location of choice.

There are a billion variants of this method, you can use a rope (see the Rope Method here)
 ► ) to climb, or you can imagine you are in an airplane taking off or that you are at the bottom of a lake and you are going up towards the surface, or you are riding a mythical huge dove or big bird or something, etc.

I guess the trick sometimes, for some people, is to feel the astral body more than to imagine it, so you are really going out and can verify things like what car is parked in front of a neighbor's house (you can check it later by walking there), or in front of your relative's house a continent away - and then you do online video chat or call her to confirm the car was there 20 minutes ago or something in her bedroom. :)

PS: if you are not good at imagining, you can try either of these:

1.  The deep relaxation method where you relax really well from toes to head and then allow the vibrational state to happen, with you taking off slowly by rolling out or just waiting until your angel, spirit guide or whatever helper is there helps you to create a copy of yourself and move out. :) The soul only leaves fully when we die. Even during sleep we all hover a little above the body with a copy of us, the astral body, linked thru the "silver cord" to the body.

2. The vibrational state method - just relaxing the whole body as usual and then moving energies up and down from toes to the head, what this does is loosens the energy body, making it easier for the astral lift off to happen. This is very similar with the energy exercises of moving balls of light up and down your leg or entire body that Robert Bruce teaches in his free book at . (his free book has several other techniques also).
Don't let anyone take over your body and use it. You may not get it back. There's a dark side to traveling outside your body.

3.  The thirst/hunger method - abstain from drinking water or eating for a while (maybe a few hours, i don't know how long it takes you to become really thirsty or hungry - small fasts are very healthy for body repair) and then become a little or more thirsty/hungry and place the water glass/fruit somewhere in the house or room, away from you and then try astrally to go and grab the glass of water/fruit in your mind, as you lie down in bed. When you are thirsty the desire for the water is stronger and the astral body may really go there. Sometimes, this happens naturally, when we are hungry, the astral body goes in the kitchen by itself. So we are replicating this already occurring natural process, bringing though full awareness to it.

4. Elongation Technique - a variant of this technique is detailed at .

5. See the many techniques (46 pages) from William Buhlman website at

6. See the many techniques from "Astral Projection Notes" - by Donald DeGracia (1994) - the intro says this pdf can be shared widely with anyone on the Internet, as long as it's shared entirely. He is sharing his projections and his interpretations.

7. See the many techniques from "Out of Body Experiences" by Robert Peterson (1997) at his website: He is a computer programmer who also does obe in his spare time. 
Read more (70 lines)
Shared publicly - Jan 11, 2016
Here is a free 778 page book from Robert Bruce on astral travel (a form of telepathy ultimately), he shares it freely with the world on his website ►

How can we term astral travel telepathy? We can since the astral body is a consciousness construct with which the causal body explores astral dimensions or physical universes, which are themselves consciousness constructs.

more soul travel info:

Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon, founded , a 200 acre research campus that studies astral travel and all related ESP events. Many Nobel Laureates investigated psychics and Edgar Mitchell even wrote a book about proofs for ESP
► Exploration-Challenge-  UnderstandingConsciousness/dp/1616405473

Alex Tanous was a frequent astral traveler who was very investigated, see this 3 min clip for his remote viewing via astral travel ► . Skeptics say NDEs (near-death experiences) and OBEs (out of body experiences) are brain imagery. However, the healthy by-standers can participate in the OBE/NDE of the dying, suggesting NDEs are not illusions caused by the lack of oxygen, as skeptics often argue ► .

In a 2013 PLOS ONE paper ► , scientists concluded that NDEs are likely not imagined events :). The 1 hr video on NDEs ►     confirms the research finding that during NDEs people see future events (as in 5 min clip  girl sees her unborn brother heart♥ issue) or objects 100s of feet or miles away. This 9 min clip details more visions ► . For unique NDEs, see , that site has over 3500 cases.

Scientists in Shanghai found that quantum action happens at minimum 10,000 times the speed of physical light ► , one day they could realize some things (soul body particles quantum entanglement, inter-dimensional light speed?) are a trillion times faster.. than the "maximum" speed.

Albert Taylor quit his NASA Space station job to do astral space travel. He's been crew chief for U2 planes, had secret clearance for 27 years. He believes he visited other planets via astral body ( ). His book ( ) details his travels; here's a video of him: .

The fact 2 people recall their astral conversation, shows that astral travels are not dreams, but real events, as shown in this 2 min video ►  . Luis and his sister both recall how they went in downtown Atlanta area astrally, even though they were living very far from each other ► , this was a real event. This is very common where people (not relatives, just friends) living on different continents have a shared astral experience.
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Shared publicly - Jan 11, 2016
Relaxing meditation music - peaceful music helps the development of Telepathy :)

Here is a hypothesis that there are 7 habits that promote Telepathy, and Telepathy is important since it can help us hear the good ideas from spirits who want to help us evolve towards a Gentler Kinder version and bring a better world of Peace:

1. Ultra peaceful music (avoid music that is upbeat and only listen to peaceful one to counteract the extreme violence in world music, movies, literature, speech, society, TV, radio) in one's surroundings to neutralize the ultra-violent general thought patterns of present day humanity which naturally contaminate us as we live in this world. If you are already peaceful, no music is needed, but what i mean is if you ever listen to music, choose peaceful meditative ones, if you want to develop ESP faster and become more compassionate and empathic. A restless person often manages to piss everyone off. lol :)

2.  Ultra gentle speech (this is VERY hard to do, as we are not used to it) - very feminine and full of loving kindness and seeing the person we talk to as the immortal soul they are...:) a shape shifting Light being just like we see spirits in astral. This one is extremely difficult to practice for people who lose their cool at times, since the moment we raise our voice we completely lose the capacity to be a good telepath for a while - since anger doesn't radiate compassion and kindness and naturally, no strong spiritual ability emerges if we are not kind to all beings - since spiritual ability is based on tuning into the unified field thru being nice to all. :) We see the violent tone of voice in movies and hear it from peers or parents and this brainwashes us to imitate it in our vain attempt to communicate our frustration. But we can change it. I am far from practicing this, but this is what is needed. :)

3.  Tranquility - remember to calm down when the environment is causing the old "reactive and non-gentle" patterns to return - and if needed, you can wear earphones with peaceful music while going shopping, etc - as it will help a faster de-brainwashing of subconscious mind from aggressiveness.

4. avoid alcohol, smoking, meat (at least avoid eating a lot of meat or just eat fish, since fish is healthier anyway), drugs and be kind-gentle-nurturing-helpful to all beings:), respect their space, beliefs, understanding and free will - just like a mom does with her half year old infant. :)

Also, avoid any dairy coming from factory farms, as the pain in the animals is energetically transmitted into the milk-cheese-eggs and distorts psychic perceptions and hinders them. Only loving kindness for all beings perceives clearly, so when we become the pain we no longer see things clearly. :) Ideally, a vegan diet is best, :), as long as you get omega 3 fatty acids and DHA-EPA and vitamin B12. :) The one thing many have noticed is that 100% raw vegan diet always leads to higher ESP, if it is organic. Organic produce has 5 times more biophotons than conventional produce (for details see ), so eating 50% raw and organic leads to getting 2.5 more biophotons than 100% raw conventional produce diet. But i know that's ultra difficult in some countries and areas of the planet.

5. Whisper now and then when talking - as it creates an even gentler connection with the astral body and an astral brain-physical brain resonance and circuit with the heart-throat chakras - if accompanied by loving kindness. :)

6.  Energy exercises of exteriorization and absorption as those taught by  and other places - like moving energy from third eye to crown chakra in a loop ► .

7.  Being a very good listener (this one is ultra hard to practice, the hardest of all, lol) - speaking when asked only. :) This 7th one is something only the most advanced beings can do, :), as it requires a mind blowing self-control. :)
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3 Hours of Relaxing Music | State of Tranquility | Background for Yoga, Reiki, Zen, Spa, Study

short video hints to the limitless potential of humans to develop telepathy and astral travel - just like savant Daniel Tammet (+Daniel Tammet ) sees numbers as colorful shapes, and can tell you the result of any multiplication without a computer and could repeat 22000 digits of pi perfectly in 5 hours :) See the full 48 min documentary ► . In his mind, each positive integer up to 10,000 has its own unique shape, color, texture and feel. He has described his visual image of 289 as particularly ugly, 333 as particularly attractive. The number 6 apparently has no distinct image yet what he describes as an almost small nothingness, opposite to the number 9 which he calls large, towering, and quite intimidating. Tammet knows ten languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Lithuanian, Esperanto, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandic and Welsh. He learned conversational Icelandic in a week. In 2008 Tammet emigrated to France. He lives in Paris ► . He was born on a blue day, see his book.

Are there people who can do things far more amazing than this? If so, what are the limits of humans? :)
Shared publicly - Jan 8, 2016
Semen proteins reach the female brain quickly (see below how this may relate to telepathy) and sometimes male DNA is found in the female brain DECADES after the sexual encounter, that's one of the many reasons why many women don't have sex outside of marriage or their monogamous relationship. Studies have shown that the semen is affected by diet-drugs- alcoholism, smoking, etc and obviously this semen change is then transmitted to the woman brain. Knowing this is therefore a good incentive for women to try to get their guy off alcohol, drugs, smoking and unhealthy foods. :) That's a nice thing to know, as it will enhance the motivation for a healthier lifestyle with fewer addictions. 40% of violent crime in America and other nations is done under the influence of alcohol. 60% of individuals arrested for most types of crimes test positive for illegal drugs at arrest. Eliminating alcohol and drug use would thus help reduce crime also.

The article states "The proteins of seminal fluid can quickly enter the blood stream and reach the brain, having an almost instantaneous effect on hormone regulation, mood, gene activation, immune system regulation, ovulation, uterus receptivity to sperm and embryo, and even the activity and growth within the embryo itself. The take home message clearly being that semen’s effect on female physiology goes far beyond reproduction alone."

"Cells from a mother and fetus can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain — and what’s more, fetal DNA can enter a mother’s brain and remain there for decades" - so having sex with many guys (even without having any abortion) may lead to having lots of things in the brain from each partner for over 50 years ► "This male DNA showed up in many different brain regions and some of it had been there for a very long time: one brain that contained the male DNA was from a 94-year-old woman".

See also


Below is a little research on neurochemistry of affection and telepathy, plus Quantum Entanglement of DNA and other molecules from inside a male brain and the DNA and other molecules inside a female brain after the semen proteins got to the female brain.  is an article about the neurochemistry of affection and how affection leads to more empathy. More emotional telepathy, or empathy, will naturally lead to more telepathy and less tension ever building up between people, leading to a more peaceful and happier relationship. Dozens of studies show that relationships and marriages are far more likely to last a lifetime in couples who are engaged in activities that increase the release of oxytocin and decrease the level of cortisol (stress hormone) such as: meditation, petting a cat or dog or whatever pet, gazing at your pets, gazing at your partner, sometimes even talking to your partner, hugging, touching, kissing, and all forms of affection (sex included). I think there are few (if any) studies on doing gardening and touching trees, but it's probably having a subtle effect too or comparable to petting your cat, depending on the person.

Naturally released oxytocin helps with the development of empathy, or telepathic empathic reading of emotions of others - thus preventing misunderstanding due to miscommunication. If the emotions are read properly, the likelihood of tension building up is lower, so naturally, couples will never have problems and stay happily married for a whole life. I would assume that telepathy is definitely enhanced when empathy is enhanced, maybe that's why the most telepathic couples are often those who meditate the most - or those who are the most affectionate. It's just a speculation about the cause, of course, another cause may be that perhaps they have lived before in some other dimension and their souls are in sync, allowing some kind of telepathy in the astral to overflow in the physical brain interface. :)
 Those who believe in the soul may accept this, those who don't will not. :) Either way, the more telepathy, the less misunderstanding and the more lasting the marriage, and the less tension among all people and eventually among all nations, as people understand the suffering of all others.

Meditation naturally can stimulate telepathy, especially if one of those crown-third eye energy ESP exercises are done, so this would increase the ability to also read the emotions of others too. :) What I mean is that not does meditation naturally increase empathic - emotional telepathy ability - as it relates to oxytocin release, but it also increases telepathic ability. Say someone is bad at empathy, the guy, and she is bad at telepathy but better at empathy. Empathy is not that easy, reading body language is not always that easy. There are many levels of empathy, since some people are very introvert about their emotions in terms of body language expression. So, by meditation or ESP exercise, if the less empathic guy is reading a sentence she thinks "oh, how come he thinks it's cruel to eat organic chicken?", lol, then - he can immediately make her feel happy by saying something like "really, I think it's ok to eat chicken, lol, as long as they have not been tortured, which perhaps didn't happen in an organic farm that much", lol joking here, but there are ways to deflect tension once you pick a thought. The women may not pick thoughts exactly or finish sentences, but she may read emotions, and know he is unhappy even though he is putting a fake smile, or etc. :) And then she can do something or say something to deflate tension. And the nice thing is that people can practice telepathy.

I guess this is another side of affection, but as you might notice, sex is one out of MANY ways to become more empathetic - not the only one. I don't think that a few extra minutes a day spent in trying to be more affectionate will take a person away from service to humanity. :) We can only help the world effectively when we are happy. :)

Even so, I tend to think sex is over rated (among the affection methods that are said to naturally lead to better telepathy-empathy and understanding) and meditation is much better for telepathy and empathy development, but it is all interesting research on neurochemistry of affection and how this relates to empathy, conflict resolution, world peace and telepathy. However, there were some DNA resonance experiments done - which showed how DNA molecules have memory and facilitate some kind of quantum entanglement or transfer of information. And there are some papers showing that after people have sex, the semen proteins have a lot of effects on the female brain, that maybe why some women don't have sex outside of marriage.   states,

"The proteins of seminal fluid can quickly enter the blood stream and reach the brain, having an almost instantaneous effect on hormone regulation, mood, gene activation, immune system regulation, ovulation, uterus receptivity to sperm and embryo, and even the activity and growth within the embryo itself. The take home message clearly being that semen’s effect on female physiology goes far beyond reproduction alone." and "semen significantly reduces levels of depression in women"

If DNA resonance of semen proteins entering the brain of the female establish quantum molecular entanglement with the brain of the male, what happens naturally is a higher chance of telepathic information transfer. That's why, the claim by some people that having sex rarely (not for kids) can enhance telepathy between the two may not be pure science fiction or based on the oxytocin effect on empathy, and indirectly, on telepathy. It may be based on entanglement too. However, this doesn't mean that the way to become telepathic with your girlfriend is to have sex so the semen proteins enter her brain. It's just something that may or may not involve entanglement depending on whatever. I think that there is more to energies and information transfer and particles than we know, normally, as physics always changes, so telepathy may not be enhanced at all by this semen thing via molecular resonance, just hugging or energy transfer via will may be all needed. The reason being that the carriers of psychic or mind information may not be normal matter, but something else, released for example when we exteriorize compassion towards someone we hug or even send good vibes to from a vast distance. Maybe some kind of astral photons we have yet to discover in 2200.

Here is a TED talk about how meditation changes the brain by Harvard neuroscientist ► .

Oxytocin releasing activities are hypothesized to affect the communication in relationships with partners and all other people, not so much the romantic aspect in romantic relationships. For a relationship to be happy and to last communication is so important.


Part 1

The semen proteins may, in certain conditions only, even act as carriers of possible inter-dimensional "RF-photonic" access telepathy dormant points awakened when there is real astral harmony between the two - a real astral love (it doesn't work when people dislike each other or hate each other after the sexual encounter), i.e. the existing telepathy is enhanced, much like an evolutionary astral-biological mechanism to assist the survival of the species thru harmony.
Part 2: People who have sex with many people can create random interference in the etheric-physical bodies - leading to a lower signal to noise ratio when it comes to telepathic signals. Normally we get a lot of random noise, and the signals. Well, when sex addicts try to telepathize, all the stuff from the many partners they are linked with ethereally and sometimes physically (via molecular carriers of astral telepathy points) can randomly connect weakly and it gets harder to make the signal from the noise. So it's better to stay monogamous. :) 
Read more (156 lines)
Researchers Discover The Powerful Physiological Effects Of Semen On Women’s Bodies, Brains & DNA (other life form that have mastered telepathic behaviors)

Back door to America: Obama Admits He Is A Muslim

Who really are real Obama? The news is coming faster than they can squash them with the time he has left and is there more to come. however he depending on the party (who aided him in office.) He's made more money than any other American president (billions) and more to come. He has many others on the pay-roll behind this man, he could not have done it all of this alone.(Narcissi tic's are nasty, cowards, secretive who seemingly never makes common sense;) God takes them out of powered with diseases and pestilence that their money can't buy.

The overreach of this Administration and our government knows no bounds: from illegal immigration, to gun rights, and...
Posted by Lou Dobbs on Monday, January 4, 2016


Who has invaded America? Only time will tell what this couple and his religion has cost America. How its changed permanently our constitution. His invasions are here as he snuck in his back-ups in the back doors.  He's rob our treasury and hid the money in property and elsewhere to other countries. He, a get back, narcissistic who controls the social and world news media's. He's is an illuminati with no moral character. It would be interesting to see what they took home (?) with them.
You  know all this, they knew they would not get into power as PRESIDENT OF THE USA, if he didn't lie (for one, he was Muslim as its so called religion is contrary to the our Constitution)
This is one of his secret back door with the aid of others!


We are in our peak of wickedness AS, IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, with more of conspiracies that will destroy and bring in more works of evil. Noah's family genes was not corrupted in his generation therefore Noah was considered righteous member of the Lords priesthood (Prophet) and considered the man for the Lord's weeding sins of his people. They were spared for many of these reasons

Image result for noah's ark
This represented the baptism of the earth next, to come is its confirmation of fire (holy Ghost)

We are the separation's in the story of examples of "clean" and, "unclean beast." Compare Plum Island and the new genetic exchanges of beast, even to an animal head to human. See more of these examples at Plum Island. All their beasts, including man, become corrupted for any future use of the Lords work and their missions to mankind.
In his next coming, since God will not send, another "Noah flood" as promised however, the God of this earth can destroy your corruptions by using his usual Moses/Pharos' pestilences, famines and weather conditions to part the seas.'  (In which man/devil has control and polluted to filth.)
EX:(New plagues: new mosquitoes to destroy life of new your1st born's, as of old), Ebola, and through droughts. Our earth's in turmoil as in the weather destroys man and all its life forms, food maybe the last is the famine to destroying and humbling man into repentance if possible.
Mostly to destroy the powerful corruption of man robbing the helpless man/animals, the poorer and, all his purposes to creation of earth life.
His work is not yours and you've polluted even the children and rob him.
(Have you in anyway joined these unclean? Abortions or those who've conspired against the not born/born yet? If so their blood still is to mark at your door as in the time of Moses (that similitude of their blood will testify against you in participating-lack of apathy as it was then) and, God's angle of death will not pass you by.
Plum's Island (Government) has caused more of our plague's (many freak oddity's (unclean) bugs; like Zeka, of nature) Keep studying why they've moved. Some went to the sea

Will corruption of life end? No, it will continue on until he finish his work/school, but he will always send his champions to the cause Of LIFE.
1 example: Radon is heavier than air, so while the benzene and methane from the Porter Ranch leak are floating upwards and away, the radon lingers longer in the environment, she explained. Further, when radon decays it leaves lead and polonium byproducts that stay in one place, and lead is a particularly deadly substance, Halevy recounted how in 1979, she was visiting a small town in Pennsylvania, when the Three Mile Island accident occurred-- she could actually see the cooling towers of the plant from where she was staying one mile away.
 An epidemiological study showed that the highest incidence of thyroid cancer and leukemia in the entire United States was within 50 miles of Three Mile Island, she reported. The effects of Fukushima have never gone away, said HaLevy, who characterized the 2011 nuclear incident as the worst ecological disaster of the planet. The mainstream media has downplayed the effects, and there's been much contamination in Japan, especially to fish in the adjacent waters, she said, adding that "rainout"-- radioactive particles from the jet stream-- has fallen over the US and other countries.

People need to become informed, learn what they can do to protect their health, and get active in terms of reform and safety, she advised. *Nuclear Power Safe? If Fukushima hasn't opened your eyes, look here! "We do not need nuclear power. The world does not need nuclear power. To visit death upon current and future generations from radiation is unforgivable."
 Nuclear Power Safe? If Fukushima hasn't opened your eyes, look here!
(Three Mile Island - No! to more Nuclear Power - Libbe HaLevy)

Some courage:

Note I /have been back twice as something is changing words about and it's meaning. Who? We know why. PT S
It's the compare-contrast of truth to: (Noah's generation, Gideon Robbers, and today's
My Twitter:
 this pg

George Carlin - Dealing With Homelessness

Too many in need as more homeless family and especially children are reared in shelters. Save a place and move over you maybe next


This is not the first time in America's history we've had Illuminati's, (Satanism, ISSI, + NSA is just way ways to its means or center to/from the "a cults")  The scripture mentions from the beginning since *Cain who was taught to bands of Gideon's and, vice versa by Cain who now rules over the old devil. Because Cain is more powerful as he's had a body, did the first murder and teaches Satan how it feels to do weaknesses in the flesh. It came in the worst of times THE GIDEON ROBBER'S (the name known then, now, "Illuminati cults") Here's a bit of its history. Today it's known as the Illuminati other parts of the world ISSI. It doesn't matter who's history I began with one pose to one history of this same stratagem to take over the world.
It's strange to me as I did research on just a small part of this history that it seems to be neglected on the Net's information?
Gadianton, was a man who established secret combination to kill, get gain and take rule over the land.

23 And it came to pass in the forty and ninth year of the reign of the judges, there was continual peace established in the land, all save it were the secret combinations which Gadianton the robber had established in the more settled parts of the land, which at that time were not known unto those who were at the head of government; therefore they were not destroyed out of the land.

In the Book of Mormon, another passed down band of robbers founded by a wicked Nephite named Gadianton. Their organization was based on secrecy and satanic oaths.
Read: Gadianton caused the destruction of the Nephite nation: Hel. 2:12–13;
Read: The devil gave secret oaths and covenants to Gadianton: Hel. 6:16–32;
These secret combinations caused the destruction of the Jaredite destroying this nation: Ether 8:15–26;
1 And it came to pass that thus they did agree with Akish. And Akish did administer unto them the oaths which were given by them of old who also sought power, which had been handed down even from Cain, who was a murderer from the beginning.

 16 And they were kept up by the power of the devil to administer these oaths unto the people, to keep them in darkness, to help such as sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms.

 17 And it was the daughter of Jared who put it into his heart to search up these things of old; and Jared put it into the heart of Akish; wherefore, Akish administered it unto his kindred and friends, leading them away by fair promises to do whatsoever thing he desired.
18 And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which

combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God
19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man

20 And he did not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.18 And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;

19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.

 20 And this Prophet did not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

 21 And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi. The Lamanites (N. American Indian's were not destroy because the were more righteous than the their brother's the Nephite's which were all killed off. *
Moses 5:49 (quoted)
49 For Lamech entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he became Master Mahan, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan; and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal it unto the sons of Adam;
29 And Satan said unto Cain: Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands. Moses 5:5–8 with Gen. 4:3–5). He entered into an unholy covenant with Satan ...and still is.

Lou Dobb's "Champion"_ The over reach of this Administration and our government knows no bounds: from illegal immigration, to gun rights, and even government land grabs. And the overreach of agencies including the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management and the EPA. Overreach that extends to the politicized Obama Justice Department and U.S. Attorneys offices around the country. The spreading arrogance and abuse of power is at the heart of what we are witnessing in Oregon, as this administration has trampled the constitutional rights of the Hammond family.Join me weeknights at 7 and 11 pm ET on Fox Business!
Posted by Lou Dobbs on Monday, January 4, 2016
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
-Thomas Jefferson

Why You Should Never Confront a Narcissist

If you can handle these liars, you'll become a meaningful leader in any professional job. Any leader has to be able to handle these
Narcissistic personality's, who are mates:
too many most hold public offices and leadership positions in politics
. If you stay involved you maybe come as crooked as they are too. These posts have been mess with and some photos remove?

Narcissist's are prominent in political arena's.
Birds of a feather flock together still holds truth

Although, We are trying not to have a self-serving "me" personality or, not use nor abuse others for our benefits (I'm not speaking of you here). (Ex. Christian, which a true narcissist will latch onto to beat you down with it and many turn into sociopaths'.) Any devil follower (monsters) can quote scriptures.

They can be gambler, prob. drinking, porn, gay, on drugs, in other words, not good family people as they
can't keep a family together; some follow witchcrafts and cults. They will ruin some of their own children passing on their genes.
Or, kids will pick up learned behaviors from the parent.
It starts by teaching personality disorders in humanities' in high school
so kids could discern who not to marry.some deserve each other.


They become friend to those who feed their ego's

Image result for narcissistic people
One way or another, survive, or, you may become unbalanced when you are taken in.

======================== The sad song of a Narcissistic progenitor

Goodbye stranger!: song

Addendum:  His/Her song (values)
Saved by Zero (Fixx)

This is a big red light! (cue) We all feel we can't bear up or have changes within our stress/LEVEL of personal trials. Hang in there one more day. TODAY (Turn it over to the Lord, that's why he came to help to carry your sins/burdens, even in health/pains trials.) Can' be save while on drugs, alcohol, gambling, or immoral behaviors that needs first to be banded. This style of attitude: SAVED BY 0 =(NOBODY) isn't going to make a good life for him/herself or anyone else. Avoid at all costs this person doesn't want to be SAVED ("maybe") + no one can save them. I don't like this personality at all.
They never stop talking