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Crooner virus’s +sex

 New York and works within the gay community. Sex does not lay dormant there is any place it keeps going on. They takeoff their clothes put them in the dryer for five minutes while they go in a room as heat of the dryer will kill any pathogen’s. I do it myself or my sheets to refresh them every morning. They leave their shoes outside the door. They get their clothes back when it’s heated sufficiently.
Yes six still goes on in New York as well as everyplace else.
Did you hear the story about the cat whose owner had the virus and so did their cat no big deal right?
Then along with the story was the other story of the cat who had coronavirus but the owners did not it was a comparison there ,why?
That cat crawled around obviously and there’s a lot of other people today that are prowling around and getting this virus and spreading it on to others including in their own Homes,
Walmart  Are  sued because they were in danger of getting the virus and many other corporations such as Amazon and I heard Fritos And others had to shut down their plant was it the workers that had sex the night before that was spreading it?
If so they don’t have a lawsuit and this epidemic is not going to be so easily over but on the other hand we know that locking everybody up, putting mask on their face and take away personal freedoms is not going to help except to make those that really know this is going on rich And more control by the government by losing our liberties in our country.
Sweden may not be so ignorant in the way they handle this whole epidemic we certainly are and stupid because the cats are going to prowl and now the cat is out of the bag

The truth is none of us really know what’s going on my theories probably not right either but it’s an idea only.
Only God really knows the truth about this whole thing but the timing is perfect

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